RTS is a Value Added Retailer (VAR), utilizing over 25 years of experience to bring the best solutions for retailers. Serving independent to large regular retailers and quick service. 1 – 50 locations.RTS is a Value Added Retailer (VAR), utilizing over 25 years of experience to bring the best solutions for retailers. Serving independent to large regular retailers and quick service. 1 – 50 locations.York Winery is founded on the dream to produce the finest Indian wine backed with family values and commitment. Our zeal matches our unshakeable belief to create an organisation that takes pride in its ethics. It is with this dedication to the best that our wines have won numerous accolades. Since every moment is a memory-in-the-making, cherish every moment with us.

Meet our team

Randy Roe

Founder and CEO

For 25 plus years Randy Roe has deployed POS technology solutions to small and mid-sized retail merchants.

Member Two

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It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.

Member Three

Sample Text

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.