Inventory is paramount for the retail industry and never more important than in the Cannabis industry. With regulated inventory accuracy is of the utmost importance. For ownership the cost of managing inventory can affect you bottom line due to labor cost and shrinkage. With RTS mobile inventory solution you can cut costs quickly. Our mobile inventory solution scans and sends your inventory count to your POS system for quick and easy import. No more spreadsheets and chance of human error just good data quickly. Cannabis retailers, like any other retailer, require a reliable POS and real-time reporting, this is what set us apart from the competition in this industry.

Areas where RTS Helping Cannabis
The advantages of a POS system over a cash box or a cash register is the sophisticated sales reports it provides and superior cash control. You can analyze sales and performance in many different ways, such as SKU, time periods, promotions, and even by cashier. Single location or multi location, Korona is an enterprise solution that gives your business a competitive edge!

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Wether its inventory tracking or COG’s Korona cloud delivers real-time data to you no matter where you are. Korona is built to be connected to with its API key module. Direct connection to state traceability systems for ease of access.We have your solution!

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Returning customers make up a significant part of any store’s revenue. Therefore, customers should be encouraged on any possible level to revisit. KORONA provides several features that help Cannabis retailers to achieve just that. Whether it is discounts with each receipt or loyalty points, KORONA creates possibilities and lets Cannabis Stores excel in a highly competitive industry.

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Cashiers are able to ring up items with ease. New cashiers are able to learn the system within minutes. This allows employees to focus on the customer instead of the POS. In addition, it allows Cannabis shops to process pre-orders, track customers and help automate promotions for total control!