
Korona POS system is the ideal solution for any high volume Grocery Store. Korona is optimized for checkout speed and detailed tracking. Restock levels and sales forecasts ensure proper inventory levels at all times. Grocery Store customers want fast checkouts and guaranteed supply. KORONA does just that and more!

Areas where RTS Helping GROCERY

The advantages of a POS system over a cash box or a cash register is the sophisticated sales reports it provides and superior cash control. You can analyze sales and performance in many different ways, such as SKU, time periods, promotions, and even by cashier. Single location or multi location, Korona is an enterprise solution that gives your business a competitive edge!

Real-time analytics

Real-time analytics are crucial, especially to grocery stores. Managers have to be able to act fast if certain items are low on stock. In addition, business owners can enjoy the convenience of being able to check on current sales statistics even if they are not in the store.

Inventory Management

Selling as singles and packs for different prices? This can be difficult with most POS systems. KORONA can manage multiple sizes and price options for each item. This makes reordering and inventory management much easier.

Inventory Tracking

KORONA ensures inventory never drops below a certain level. In addition, it allows stores to track expiration dates. This makes reordering easy and ensures customer satisfaction.